What Does the Bible Say About Gambling?

Gambling is a common pastime among individuals all around the world. But given how the love of money is considered an evil trait in the sacred book of Christians, we decided to take a deep dive and explore what does the Bible say about gambling.

This article will break down the most famous Bible verses about gambling, money and greed that will help you understand whether gambling is a sinful action.

Let’s talk about gambling and the Bible.

A bible opened on the first page

Gambling in the Bible

The Bible does not directly mention gambling, but it does talk about money and how it can trigger evil in people.

 “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.”

1 Timothy 6:10-11

One of the bible verses that talk about gambling is the Hebrews 13:5, according to which we should all keep our lives free from money and be content with what we already have. This does not specifically imply gambling, but given how gambling essentially consists of games that are designed to make you spend more money in order to earn some more, a lot can be inferred from the verse in regard to gambling.

In the following verse, Ecclesiastes 5:10 talks about how having a big sum of money is not the goal you are trying to reach but the tool to help you achieve power over other people.

He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with his income.”

Another scripture on gambling and greed is Luke 12:15And He said to them, ‘Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.” It shows us that you should beware of greed as it can be your downfall. Don’t wish for something you don’t have, and don’t compare yourselves to other people’s wealth.

Is Gambling a Sin?

Some people claim to donate winning money to a good cause, but in most cases, this is only said in an effort to avoid feeling judged by other people or feel guilt because most often, this money ends up in the gambler’s pockets.

But what does the Bible say about moderation? Just like we’ve already mentioned, the Bible does not directly talk about gambling or lottery, but about self-control regarding money and how it should always be handled with moderation.

In today’s fast-paced world, when it’s hard to resist temptation in overspending or to get involved in illegal actions to earn as much as possible, the sacred Christian book might have something clever to say.

This can also be applied to people whose favourite hobby is gambling or playing the lottery. It’s one thing when you visit casinos for some extra fun, but it’s far worse when the hunger for money overpowers your being.

An open bible on a wooden table

Does the Bible Say Not to Gamble?

No verse or passage can be found where the Bible specifically bans prohibits gambling, but from what can be inferred from the variety of money-related passages, make sure to practice the following:

  1. The money you stake must be your own. Do not borrow from family to gamble, especially if the money you borrow is being used for their basic needs.
  2. You must be in control of yourself and your own impulses.
  3. Fraud is not allowed.
  4. The game must be fair and the players must have similar or equal experiences.

According to the Bible, if you tick all of these boxes, you’re good to go.

Tips on how to Gamble

Now that we’ve concluded that gambling isn’t always a sin and the Bible won’t restrict you from enjoying this hobby, here are some tips on how to gamble responsibly:

  • Gambling should always be done for entertainment purposes.
  • You need to come to terms with the fact that some people have more spending limits than you.
  • You must always calculate how much you can bet to avoid losing all of your money.
  • You’re sure that you’re not addicted to this type of entertainment, and you are in total control of how much time and money you spend on this activity.

Finishing Up

It’s important to remember that you should be content with the material blessings you have been given and use them in moderation and respect. Nothing in this world is free, and everything must be earned with hard work and sacrifice.

If you were wondering what does the Bible say about gambling, it’s just that – do it in moderation and control your impulses. Gambling is not always considered a sin, and you can still enjoy it without feeling like you’ve sinned.


What does the bible say about sports?

The Bible does talk about sports, and it states that every game should be played fair, that players should practise self-control when it comes to exercising or special diets, and stay committed to the game if they want to win.

How many times is money mentioned in the bible?

Money is actually the second most referenced topic in the sacred book. It’s mentioned over 800 times and it is generally frowned upon.

Is gambling against the bible?

The Bible does not specifically mention gambling but it does contain some passengers that mention words such as luck or chance. The Bible is strict when it comes to money-induced greed, which is how it can be tied to gambling. However, no mention of the word gambling can be found within the book.

Is gambling in the bible?

No, gambling is not mentioned in the Bible. All of the interpretations are induced from money and greed-related verses and passages.


Toni always had an appetite for learning new things and random facts about almost everything, which is why when he got offered the job to work as a content writer he took it without hesitation. Writing daily took his love for words and research to a whole new level, and made him realize that this is a career he would love to pursue. Although he spends most of his time researching his next piece, you can also find him on the football court, in the gym, or at home with a book in his hand.

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